Our Dogwood Tree in Bloom!
Hey daisies, peek-a-boo!
A Green Tree Trunk!
Mimosa Blossoms!
The lesson is that the difficult places in ones life offer no less gifts of life than the agreeable and pleasant places. You just have to know where to look!
That lesson served me well in the dry desert country of New Mexico, where I went to stay for several weeks. What a different landscape that was! Instead of endless rain, there was a thirst for water everywhere I looked. But I learned that, instead of dwelling on the dry and barren landscape,
This land is dry and barren!
Even in the desert, there is abundant Life!
So once more I reveled in the rich communal life of a Community in Mission, an intentional community of a different sort, one part male SSCC and the other part female SSCC, living together in harmony.
Artesia CIM minus Fr. Paul Murtagh SSCC (from left to right-Fr. Brian Guerrini SSCC, Sr. Mary Dominic Reantaso SSCC, Sr. Damien Dang SSCC, Sr. Marie Lemert SSCC
Shortly after I arrived, there was a humble, modest parade for the Fourth of July. Yet, what did I see, but a special float dedicated to Blessed Father Damien, soon to be a Saint! And who was that sitting in the front, but a young Saint Damien!
A Float Dedicated to Saint Damien-Great! Saint Damien is waving!
Because I did not mention them in my last blog entry concerning ourcommunity in New Mexico, in this one, I would like to focus on Fr. Brian Guerrini SSCC and Sr. Mary Dominic Reantaso SSCC. Sr. Mary Dominic is a great musician and was once a director of liturgy in California. Now, she is happy in the humble surroundings of our rural churches, leading Bible Study groups, supplying and planning music, and playing her keyboard in our rural churches in the Pecos River Valley.
Sr. Mary Dominic Reantaso SSCC at the Keyboard
And, of course, she takes her turn at cooking for the community. Fr. Brian, a newly ordained priest after twenty years as a religious brother, has branched out in his ministry in interesting new wayw. I was pleased to see, while I was there, the new, recently expanded headquarters for the Vincent DePaul Center that Fr. Brian helped establish.
Fr. Brian Guerrini SSCC at Entrance to Vincent De Paul Center
Saint Vincent De Paul, Model for True Charity to the Poor
Food in Storage at St. Vincent De Paul Center
A Lay Volunteer Helping Keep Things In Order
Bereaved Family gets in line for some good food!
Devoted Lay Volunteers Waiting to Serve
Family Celebrates with Enthronement Team
Vasquez Family Sheltered under the Cross after Enthronement of Farm
Mary Smith blesses her sons
The people who live here are hardy and strong, like the Ocotillo Cactus that grows tall and strong, despite a shortage of water.
But they are also gracious in their hospitality, as the newest sign on the outskirts of Artesia states: “Artesia, A Great Place to Stay along the Way.”
Greeting Sign for Artesia, New Mexico
Yes, it certainly was and is. So I am praying and I ask you to pray, too, that from this unlikely, out of the way place, young people, like these two dedicated altar servers, will become servants of the Lord, a source of pride for their community and their God!Christopher (left), me (middle), Daniel (right)