Statue of Jesus without hands
Jesus needs my hands to write to you about all the great things that I have seen, all that reflects the glory of Jesus in the Sacred Heartbeat of this life. In this posting, I would like to begin with the month of May, Mary’s month, in which our Blessed Mother’s beauty shines, bringing us closer to the mystery of Jesus.
Front Window of St. Mary's Church, Fairhaven
Statue of Mary Crowned
a fitting way to acknowledge not only how great she is, but also to highlight the beauty of the new creation of which she is the Mother. Remembering her mothering of beauty, I have taken special care lately to photograph some of the flowers blooming around me, as well as some swans in a nearby cove. Can you see our Blessed Mother’s beauty shining through them?
Rhododendron Blossoms
Swans at a Cove of the Acushnet River
Azalea Blossoms
Near the beginning of May, I set off for the national meeting of the governing board of the Men of the Sacred Hearts, which took place at the National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, Illinois.

Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows

Fr. Mateo contemplating his mission of spreading devotion to the
Fr. Stan Kolasa SSCC serving as a facilitator of the Chapter
Members of East Coast Province attending Chapter
The highlight of this particular chapter was our decision to approve an ambitious and far-reaching plan for the development of our retreat center in Wareham, Massachusetts. This is the same beautiful and blessed place I mentioned in an earlier post. We also reelected our provincial, Fr. William “Bill” Petrie SSCC and transformed our Provincial Council.
New Council (from left to right)-Fr. Fintan Sheeran SSCC, Fr. Tom
Fr. Bill Petrie SSCC-Provincial
Jubilee Celebrants after Anniversary Mass
We were honored to have present throughout our chapter our current Superior General, Fr. Javier Enrique Ossorio SSCC,
who both charmed us and called us to fidelity in our mission and brotherhood that extends across the globe. Because of that internationality, there was no surprise in seeing one of our younger Indian priests, Fr. Alexis Nayak SSCC, giving a reflection, nor seeing him later helping count votes in the Chapter, while standing alongside his former novitiate comrade in the Philippines, Fr. Chris Santangelo SSCC.
Fr. Alexis Nayak SSCC, left Fr. Chris Santangelo, right
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